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Endowing The Future Of Our Faith

By July 28, 2021May 2nd, 2024Articles


Great Things Are Happening in Our Diocese Because of Your Charitable Gifts!

$471,000 Awarded to the Church Thanks to Foundation Donors!

The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana recently mailed $471,000 in annual endowment distribution checks to 55 different Catholic parishes, schools, nonprofits, and diocesan ministries. That is amazing! What a wonderful boost for so many of the Catholic organizations doing God’s work in their communities throughout our diocese.

We are so grateful for the Foundation donors whose generosity ensures that this miracle occurs each year. Your willingness to keep the needs of the Church at the forefront of your thoughts strengthens parishes, schools, and other Catholic agencies for generations to come.

Endowment distributions are changing the future of the Church in a mighty way. As our endowments grow, so too will the possibilities for the Faith in our diocese. Please continue to support the endowments of your favorite Catholic causes through the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana!
You can find the details as to whether your own parish or favorite ministry has an endowment with the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana, by viewing our 2020 Annual Report at

You may also donate online at donate or request more information by contacting Judy Held, Foundation President, at (406) 315-1765 or [email protected].

The Foundation’s Bishop Schuster Endowment Supports Pro-Life Causes

In 1999, when the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana was newly created, one of the first endowments established was to honor Bishop Eldon Schuster (bishop of Great Falls-Billings from 1967-1977). The beneficiary of the Bishop Schuster Endowment’s annual distribution is always decided by the sitting bishop of our diocese. It is the tradition of our bishops to give this distribution to ministries in our diocese that care for mothers and babies, especially those in crisis situations.

This year, Bishop Michael Warfel determined that the $5,656 annual distribution would be split between two crisis pregnancy centers: Echoz Pregnancy Care Center (Great Falls) and the Outreach Clinic (Miles City). Both organizations work with the women—and men— impacted by unplanned pregnancies, informing them about their options during pregnancy and providing education on healthy relationships, fertility care and pro- life family planning options, and parenting skills. Here at the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana, we are so proud to see one of our endowments supporting such incredible organizations.

Ask us about giving to the Bishop Schuster Endowment or another endowment.

Donate here: Email: [email protected] Call us: 406-315-1765.

Bishop Michael Warfel with Marissa Morford, Executive Director of the Outreach Clinic of Miles City
“Outreach Clinic of Miles City has served more than 700 women since opening in 2011. Our many services are free, thanks to amazing donors like the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana. We proudly serve fifteen communities in the surrounding area, bringing Christ to Southeastern Montana by providing loving support to abortion- vulnerable women, men, and whole families. Thank you, Catholic Foundation and Bishop Warfel, for your donation and your support of Outreach Clinic’s ministry.”
– Marissa Morford, Outreach Clinic

Foundation President Judy Held with Autumn Robertson, Executive Director of Echoz Pregnancy Care Center in Great Falls
“Thank you to the Catholic Foundation of Eastern Montana and Bishop Warfel for this generous donation from the Bishop Schuster Endowment to the work of Echoz. It costs Echoz $115.00 to provide a life-revealing ultrasound to a pregnant woman. Statistics prove that more than 80% of women choose life for their unborn children when their see their babies on an ultrasound. Your donation will allow Echoz to provide more than 24 life-saving ultrasounds this year. You are saving lives and making an impact on our community—thank you for loving and standing for life!”
– Autumn Robertson, Echoz